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Rodent Control

Professional Rat and Mouse Control in Indianapolis

If rodents are allowed into the home, not only are they expert hiders, but they can also multiply quickly. Most mice have between six and eight babies in a single litter and can have several litters in a year. You could go from 2 mice to 62 mice in only one year and that does not count the number of baby mice who grow up and start reproducing themselves. In Indianapolis, IN hiring the best rat and mouse control professional means having your home thoroughly inspected for rodent activity, locating and removing the nests, and eliminating every rodent so you can rest easy in a rodent-free home once again. Good rodent prevention practices go a long way but having regular rodent control inspections will guarantee to keep the rodents out of your home.


 A professional rat and mouse control service knows where to search for rodent activity and how best to treat the problem. The best rodent exterminators will look for entry points into your home and make the necessary repairs so rodents can not get inside. The best rodent control companies will inspect your home for rodents the same day you call and will guarantee a rodent free property for 90 days after treatment.

After you give a professional rat and mouse control company a call,  they will thoroughly inspect your home and apply the right kind of treatment for the problem. If you are having your residence treated for rodents, a pest control professional  will take into consideration where your children play and where your pets sleep before treating your home. Always ask about any eco-friendly treatments as well to make sure only the rodents are affected by the treatment.

Damage and disease

Rodents are notorious for causing a lot of damage if left to breed and live in your home without immediate eradication. Rodents’ teeth never stop growing which causes them to gnaw on things to keep their teeth filed down.

 Rodents can:

  • Destroy copper wiring
  • Get into the pantry
  • Tear up papers, pillows, and anything they can get their paws on to make a soft nest for their babies
  • Climb through trash and decaying food
  • Slink through sewers and other bacteria  ridden places
  • Carry diseases like Salmonella, tularemia, and even different types of strep infections and contaminate your pantry items while possibly  passing these diseases on to your family

If you should discover evidence of rodents in your home, acting fast will limit the number of mice produced in your home  and the amount of damage created by these furry, stealthy creatures. Hiring the best rat and mouse control company in Indianapolis means giving Trio Pest Control a call today so your home can be rodent-free once again.

Rodent Control

The Best Rodent Exterminator in Indianapolis

Even though they may try their hardest to go unnoticed in your home, rodents certainly do not make good roommates or house guests.  Rodents are experts at two things, breeding and chewing.  If rodents get into your home and begin to breed, you could have an infestation on your hands faster than you think. Rodents like mice and rats can get into your food, spread germs on your countertops and table, and can even destroy wires, bedding, and other household items.

 Indianapolis residents, who are in need of rodent control treatment solutions, want the best rodent exterminator they can find to treat their homes safely and effectively. Having a pest control professional inspect, treat, and re-evaluate your house for a rodent infestation will be the best way to keep those furry pests out of your home for good.

Treatment solutions

Once a mouse or rat finds a nice, comfortable, warm home, you have to be pretty persistent to  get it to leave. Calling in the best rodent exterminator in Indianapolis is a sure way to eliminate an infestation. Not only will a pest professional get rid of your rodent problem, they will continue to check back to make sure each and every rodent has been eliminated.

The best rodent exterminator in Indianapolis will carefully inspect your home in potential high traffic areas for rodents. By identifying several possible entry points for the mice and rats, the professional will help to keep out future infestation by blocking or sealing up these entry points. Having a rodent control company give you same day service is certainly an added bonus. When  you discover mice or rats in your home, you won’t want them to be there a moment longer.

Prevent rodents from getting inside

A helpful rodent exterminator will also leave you with some good tips for preventing rodents from becoming a problem in the future.  Practicing a few good habits will reduce the chances of rodents choosing to nest in your home.

  • Sweep and vacuum often. Mice and rats are looking for food in your home. If there is easy access to food on your floors, you may be unknowingly attracting rodents.
  • Keep all eating in one room or area. Having to deep clean can be difficult if you need to do it all over the house on a regular basis. By being disciplined to keep all eating to the kitchen or dining room means you can focus your efforts in one area when it is needed.
  • Clean out storage areas like in the attic, basement, or garage often. Rodents love cluttered areas that don’t get much attention. If you are sure to reorganize and clean out these spaces every six months, mice and rats will not feel at ease to  make their nests in your stuff.

For Indianapolis residents, the best company to hire that provides the best rodent treatment solutions is Trio Pest Control. Give the helpful team at Trio Pest Control a call today to reclaim your space from invading rodents.

Rodent Control

What is Mouse Exclusion for Your Home?

There are two sides to rodent control. One side deals with eliminating a current rodent infestation by a professional pest control company. The other side is called mouse exclusion, which is basically rodent-proofing your home. Preventing rats and mice from getting inside will guarantee you won’t have damage to  bedding, wires, and woodwork throughout your home from rodents gnawing and nesting in your belongings. If you have ever suffered through a rodent infestation or want to make sure you never have to, preventing rodents like rats and mice from coming into your home in the first place is key. There are ways to make your house less appealing to rodents, but mouse exclusion mainly deals with blocking entry points into your home. 

Mouse Exclusion

As a homeowner, you can rodent-proof your own home by looking around the exterior for any cracks or holes. But calling in a professional pest control service will work to thoroughly seal up every tiny space that could allow mice to get inside. Mice can get through the tiniest spaces that are ¼ of an inch or bigger. Stopping mice from coming in may include doing repairs to the exterior of your property  like:

  • Inspect and repair any holes or damage found on the roof, facia, and soffit 
  • Replace any damaged weather stripping or door sweeps on all exterior doors
  • Repair any broken windows or windows that are stuck slightly open
  • Seal holes and cracks on the outside of the house, take special note around utility and pipe entries into the home
  • Put screens on outdoor vents or even over the chimney

Don’t Let Your Home Attract Mice

Rodents not only want a warm, dry place to live, they also want easy access to food. A few tips that will prevent rodents from wanting to come to your house for a meal are:

  • Sweep after each meal
  • Wipe down all kitchen surfaces with a multipurpose cleaner
  • Put all food packaging in to the trash after use
  • Promptly take the trash when full out to an outside garbage bin that has a lid
  • Keep all pantry items in airtight container

Allowing a professional pest control company to rodent-proof your home will make sure every tiny space is blocked so mice can’t just waltz into your kitchen.  Pest control professionals like Trio Pest Control will make your rodent problem a thing of the past. Once your home is mouse free, continuing to practice good prevention habits will help ensure that the rodents never make their way back into your home.

For Indianapolis homeowners needing help with a rodent infestation or simply want to make sure one never starts, give Trio Pest Control a call today.

News Rodent Control

Are There Rat Problems in Indianapolis?

When it comes to big cities, one of the most common pests is rats. Indianapolis is no exception. While the city has taken steps to reduce rat populations, many people still wonder if there is a rat problem in Indianapolis. This article will explore whether or not there are rat problems in Indianapolis and what can be done about them. In addition, it will discuss the history of rats in the city, how they thrive, and what citizens can do to help prevent an infestation.

History of Rats in Indianapolis

The city of Indianapolis is no stranger to rats. For centuries, these pesky rodents have been a nuisance in the city. Reports of infestations can be traced back as far as the early 1800s when settlers first arrived in the area. Then, with the industrial revolution came an influx of people and buildings, creating prime conditions for rat colonies to thrive.

Today, rats remain active participants in Indy’s thriving urban ecosystem. They are often spotted scurrying through alleys, yards, and parks looking for food or shelter – a behavior that has caused alarm among residents throughout history. The Marion County Public Health Department works diligently to take preventative measures, such as providing educational materials on proper waste disposal techniques and inspections for feral rodents to reduce their presence in the city. Unfortunately, this past year, Indianapolis ranked number 14 in “rattiest cities in America,” not a distinction the city is proud to claim.

How & Why Rats Thrive in Cities

Rats are one of the most successful urban animals, thriving in cities such as Indianapolis worldwide. Not only do rats have a wide variety of habitats to choose from in cities, but they also take advantage of readily available food sources and ample hiding places. This combination makes city life incredibly appealing for them.

Urban environments provide rats with an array of housing options – from subway tunnels, sewers, and abandoned buildings to piles of trash, parks, and even gardens. Furthermore, these animals can find plenty of food sources, including discarded fast food items or leftovers from restaurants. Additionally, urban areas often offer many places for rats to hide, such as cracks between buildings or within walls – making it easy for them to evade predators as well as humans who may try to remove them.

Preventing Rat Problems

Indianapolis residents should take proactive steps to prevent rat infestations in their homes and businesses. Rats can cause significant damage to buildings, contaminate food sources, and spread diseases. Homeowners and business owners alike are advised to take preventive measures before a rat problem arises in order to avoid costly repairs or potential health risks.

  • The first step is to secure all entry points leading into the home or business building. This includes sealing up any cracks or holes in walls, windows, door frames, and foundations with caulk or steel wool.
  • Additionally, it’s important for homeowners and business owners to remove items like piles of wood, debris, and other clutter that can provide shelter for rats from the outside environment.
  • Finally, use traps and bait stations inside the house following instructions provided by a professional pest control service.

In conclusion, rat problems are common in Indianapolis and should be addressed immediately to prevent further damage to property and health. Trio Pest Control is the expert for this job, with a wealth of experience successfully handling rat infestations. Their top-of-the-line products, methods, and customer service guarantee satisfaction. So don’t wait another day – call Trio Pest Control now and take care of your rat problem once and for all.

Rodent Control

Indianapolis Is A ‘Ratty’ City

Indianapolis is a thriving city, rich in culture and history. But beneath its shiny façade lies a darker truth – the city is infested with rats. The rat problem in Indianapolis is serious and growing, affecting many of the city’s business districts as well as residential areas. Residents have noticed an increase in rats over the past several years, and Orkin’s entomologists have now ranked it at number 14 in the United States for the number of new rodent treatments performed in 2021. Indianapolis moved up one spot from the previous year, meaning that the number of rats is, unfortunately, increasing.

Causes of Rat Infestation

Rat infestations can be a worrying problem in Indianapolis homes and businesses, with the pests causing damage to property and spreading disease. In order to tackle this issue effectively, it is important to identify the underlying causes of rat infestation.

One potential cause of rat infestation is poor sanitation conditions. Rats thrive in areas where there is access to food and water sources. If garbage isn’t disposed of properly or if there are cracks or holes which provide them with access to food inside buildings, then rats will often move in and breed. Poorly maintained sewers can also provide ideal habitats for rats, allowing them to gain easy access to nearby buildings.

In addition, rat infestations can occur due to climate changes such as wet weather or cold winters. These conditions encourage rats to seek refuge indoors rather than remain outside, where they may struggle for food and resources.

Effects on Humans, Animals, and Property

Rats are one of the most prevalent pests around the world, and unfortunately, they can cause significant problems for both humans and animals. Rat infestations can bring about various adverse effects on those living or working in an affected area. These effects range from physical health risks to economic loss due to property damage.

When a rat infestation appears in residential or commercial areas, it can directly affect human health. Rats carry many diseases that are transmissible to people, including salmonella, leptospirosis, and plague. Animals may also be vulnerable when exposed to rats, as some rodent-borne diseases can be transferred through contact with infected rodents or their droppings. Additionally, rat populations often grow out of control when food is readily available, as they reproduce quickly.

In addition to health hazards, the presence of rats also means plenty of harm to property. Rats will chew through wooden planks, insulation, wires, pipes, and anything else that gets in their way as they create nesting spots within the walls of homes and businesses. As they scavenge for food inside buildings, rats may contaminate food sources with their droppings or urine which can lead to significant health risks for those living or working in the same space. Additionally, rat droppings produce an unpleasant odor that lingers in infested locations, making it uncomfortable for anyone entering the area.

DIY Solutions to the Problem

To protect public health and safety, it is essential to address the rat problem before it becomes an even bigger issue. Fortunately, there are a variety of DIY solutions available to help control rat populations. Homeowners can take proactive steps such as sealing up any potential points of entry into their home and removing any standing water or other sources of food from around their property. Additionally, people may be able to provide assistance by setting traps or using chemical deterrents to keep rats away from homes and businesses. In more severe cases, cities may need to resort to targeted extermination measures in order to reduce rat numbers in a given area.

City Response to the Problem

The rat problem in Indianapolis is not a new one, but it has recently taken on a more serious urgency. In the past year alone, reports of rats infesting homes and businesses have skyrocketed across all areas of the city. To combat this issue, the Marion County Public Health Department has organized an extensive task force to implement a number of preventative measures and public education initiatives.

This rat prevention program, free to Marion County residents,  includes a comprehensive strategy that involves educating citizens about how to identify potential breeding sites, properly disposing of garbage and other debris, and regularly inspecting for signs of rodent activity within residential and commercial areas. Additionally, the program has provided tools for neighborhood clean-up projects, such as rakes or shovels.

Conclusion: Taking Action

In conclusion, the rat problem in Indianapolis is a serious issue that needs to be addressed immediately. It affects not only the health of citizens but also the overall quality of life in the city. By implementing preventative measures such as enhanced sanitation, community involvement, and proper rodent control techniques, the rat population in Indianapolis can be reduced. If you need a rodent control company that will work with you and the city and county officials to reduce the rat population,  Trio Pest Control is a greater choice. With effort, Indianapolis can move far down the “rattiest city” list and, hopefully, someday be removed altogether!

News Rodent Control

What Months are Rats Most Active?

Having rats in your home can be a nightmare. Not only do they bring diseases and bacteria, but their presence can also be extremely unsettling. Rats are known for their ability to adapt and thrive in various environments, including urban areas where they can easily find food and shelter. As such, it is not uncommon for people to encounter rats throughout the year. However, there are certain times of the year when rats tend to be more active, and understanding these patterns can help individuals take steps to prevent rat infestations and protect their homes and businesses.

Breeding Cycle

The breeding cycle of rats can affect their activity levels. Rats are prolific breeders and can have several litters of offspring per year. Female rats can become pregnant again just days after giving birth, and their offspring can begin reproducing at just a few months of age. As a result, rat populations can snowball, and there may be periods of increased activity as rats search for mates and establish new territories.


One of the most active times for rats is during autumn due to their preparation for the cold weather ahead. Rats become more active in September-November as they scavenge for food to stockpile and make nests.

When temperatures start to drop, rats are less likely to venture out during daylight hours. Instead, they will be found going out at night or in areas where there is plenty of shelter from predators and extreme temperatures. During this time of year, it’s important to keep an eye out for rat activity around your home or business. The best way to do this is by looking for signs such as droppings or tunnels around the perimeter of a building that may indicate an infestation.

Preventing Infestations

An infestation of rats can cause serious damage to property, as well as spread diseases through their urine, droppings, and saliva. To prevent rat infestations, there are several steps you can take to discourage them from entering your home.

  • One important step is to seal off any cracks or crevices that may allow rats access into your home. Rats can squeeze through incredibly small spaces, so it’s essential to inspect potential entry points and patch up any holes with steel wool or a similar material. Thin mesh screens can be used over chimneys and attic vents as well as window wells where possible access points may exist for rodents.
  • Additionally, it’s important to keep food items stored away in airtight containers and never leave food out on counters or tables overnight since this will attract rats inside looking for an easy meal.
  • For anyone who worries about rats invading their home, trimming outside bushes is one of the best preventative measures to take. By removing any potential hiding spots, you can significantly reduce the chance of a rat infestation. This doesn’t mean you have to get rid of your plants and shrubs entirely – instead, just make sure they are trimmed and kept away from your house. Here’s how to do it: Start by choosing plants that are less attractive to rodents in the first place. Evergreen shrubs like rhododendrons, yews, or boxwoods tend to be more rodent-resistant than other species. Even if you already have other types of plants around your home, keep them trimmed back at least two feet from the foundation wall, so there’s nowhere for rats to hide.
  • One way to deter rats from entering your property is by using natural deterrents like essential oils. Essential oils are derived from plants, and when used correctly, they have the power to keep rats away without the use of toxic chemicals or traps. Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to keep rats away from your home and garden. For example, you can mix an essential oil with water in a spray bottle and then apply it around potential entry points for rats, such as windowsills and door frames. Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, rosemary, or clove oil will help repel rodents when they smell it.

In conclusion, rats can be active throughout the year, and factors such as the availability of food and water, the weather, and the breeding season can all contribute to increased rat activity. To prevent rat infestations, making your property less attractive to rats is vital. By understanding the factors influencing rat activity, you can take proactive steps to protect your home or business from these pests. If you need assistance keeping your home or business rat-free, contact Trio Pest Control, whose expertise can help bring you peace of mind during the months when rodents are active.