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What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

June 05, 2023 Trio Pest Control Bed Bugs

Some may be under the impression that you cannot see bed bugs with the human eye. This is not the case, however. The bugs are allusive and small in size, but if you know where and how to look, you can see and identify them based on their color, shape and size. If you think you may have a bed bug problem, you will want to know what bed bugs look like to determine how to best remedy the problem.

Where to Find Bed Bugs

Before you start looking for live bugs, you need to know where you might find these pesky intruders. Some areas might include:

  • In your bedding
  • Crevices or seams of your mattress or box spring
  • Other upholstered items around your home
  • Carpet or drapes that are close to infected areas
  • Outlets, baseboards or cracks in the drywall

What do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Now that you know where to look, you need to know what the bugs look like at each stage of their life cycle in order to identify them accurately.


The eggs of bed bugs are important to identify since these must be killed in order to stop the life-cycle of an infestation. Bed bug eggs, while tiny, are visible to the naked eye. They are about the size of a pinhead and resemble the shape of rice and are pearly white.

Baby Bed Bugs

An immature bed bug, or nymph, is the hardest live bug to find and identify. These are very small and have a translucent whitish color. They may mature as quickly as under a month and can procreate three or more generations in a year.

Adult Bed Bugs

Mature bed bugs are a little larger, about the size of an apple seed. They are brownish-red in color and have an oval-shaped, flat body. After feeding, they swell a bit, making them a little larger than their normal size. They have no wings and a protective exoskeleton that make it more difficult for them to squish and kill.

Other Signs of Bed Bugs

Looking for live bugs or eggs is not the only way to know if you have a bed bug problem. The creatures leave behind other pieces of evidence to reveal an issue.

  • Bloodstains on your bedding or mattress
  • Fecal remains on sheets
  • Skin that has been shed by the molting insects
  • Bites on the skin. These are typically red, raised and itchy and often in a line or zig-zag pattern.
  • Musty odor

If you suspect you may have bed bugs, the first step is to thoroughly check your mattress, box spring and bedding for live bugs and other evidence. Make sure to look in the crevices and seams as the bugs like to remain discreet. Check outlets and baseboards for any signs of the bugs. Also remember to check you and your family’s skin for unusual bites that resemble what we described above.

The treatment of bed bugs can begin with a thorough cleaning of the bedding and other areas of the home. If the infestation is advanced, however, an expert can devise a plan to treat and prevent future outbreaks in your home. If you find what looks like bed bugs, contact the professionals at Trio Pest Control to provide you with a consultation today.